Hair Extensions Positives and Negatives

Guest blogging by Jenna Phillips

Hair: to extend or not to extend. It's a common belief that long, lustrous hair is sexy. You know, the kind that we see in movies and magazines ALL the time. The kind of hair that only mermaids could have. But, wait, you CAN have it too! Yes, you.
You have a couple options (don't we love those?). If there is a will, there is always a way - and there is no reason why you should accept thinning hair or have to deal with it. So, what to do?

You could:

a) spend thousands of dollars on hair extensions that take forever to put in and wreak havoc on your hair (because of all of that gnarly glue stuff), or

b) you could use natural products that nourish your hair and enhance growth, in addition to getting scalp therapy laser treatments that stimulate the hair follicles.

The coolest part is that all of this is less than continuously getting extensions.
I will happily admit that I have clip in extensions that I like to wear when I'm getting dressed to the nines. I already have Rapunzel hair (thanks to my friends at Robert James Clinic), but when I put in my extensions - my hair is bombshell ridiculous. It works for about 8 hours and then I couldn't be happier to take them out.
Having long, healthy, and sexy hair is fully possible (this also applies to those of you who have lost your locks), but let's not be ridiculous. Let's be logical and have manageable hair, shall we? There is no need to go overboard with leave-in extensions and try to create the opposite of thinning hair overnight.
If you want to restore the health of your hair, it might need some mega TLC. If you like throwing money away and enjoy breaking your hair - I'd say to go for the gluey, gooey, leave-ins. Hair Extensions positives and negatives.
But, please, don't do that. I'm committed to your health and success so I do what I can to share what I know about the best of the best. I'm obsessed with only ONE line of hair products and ONE kind of treatment. Robert James Clinic ROCKS my SOCKS.
Stop wishing for rock star hair, and DO something about it! Book a Consultation so you can handle your 'do.

Love all that is you,
Jenna xox