Don't Be Afraid About Your Hair Loss

Guest blogging by Jenna Phillips

We hate not knowing the future. We can’t stand the thought of something “not working out”, but we’re presented with new situations or options every single day.
I don't know if you've ever been skydiving or bungee jumping - I've happily experienced BOTH - but there's a moment right before that leap of faith where you think about not following through. You think, "holy crap. I'm about to leave everything up to God. I'll either survive, or not." This kind of crossroads will show up for us in many forms throughout our lives. In most other cases, the outcome isn't either life or death - but it sometimes feels like our decision to take that leap of faith will either completely defeat us or allow us to spread our wings and soar.
So, once upon a time, there I was: 19,000 feet in the air with a parachute strapped tightly onto my back. As I prepared to jump out of that plane, it felt like every cell in my body was like, "OMG!!!! What are you THINKINGGGGG?!?!" I had every rational reason to not jump out of a perfectly good airplane, but this was something I'd wanted to do since I knew it was even an option.

My fingers held onto the edges of the open door while the airplane's engine roared loudly outside. The cold wind dancing on my face was almost taunting me, "are you gonna JUMP or WHAT?!" My mouth was dry; so dry that I felt as if I was drinking a cup of sand. My stomach hosted sensations of back flips, twists, and somersaults and I was STILL just sitting in that opening!
You see, our minds are crazy little creatures. Mine was anticipating a change in every imaginable way, as I was about to enter a vortex of speed that I'd never experienced before, so it was telling me to back out. Why? Because our brains are terrified of the unknown. As a self-diagnosed "adrenaline junkie" - I was about to have the newest moment of awesomeness I could have possibly asked for, but I was scared out of my mind.
I could've backed out. I had that option, but I didn't quit. I went for it. I trusted that my parachute would open perfectly RIGHT when it was supposed to. I let go of that open door frame and dove straight toward the ground. For about 5-7 seconds, I felt like I was falling, but then my body acclimated, and I felt like I was flying. I soared like an eagle and have never felt more free in my life.
You're MEANT to soar, feel happiness, be successful, and have freedom. It's your birth-given right. It’s also your birth-given right to have health in every imaginable way. There’s always an option for you out there.
Whether you’re losing your hair , battling diabetes, or struggling with Lyme Disease, there ARE better alternatives and more natural remedies you can try. As a type 1 diabetic, I’ve dedicated my life to finding a cure for myself. My health improved as soon as I stopped listening to my western medicine doctors.  Don't be afraid about your hair loss!  And when I noticed my Leo mane wasn’t as lustrous as it used to be,

I did something about it and contacted a Trichologist (hair specialist)

I searched for a holistic option and I found it. The outcome wasn’t guaranteed, but I took the leap of faith and invested in the health of my hair. I’m so happy I did because my hair has never been healthier! I figured, I have nothing to lose – except more hair. The thought of having even LESS hair was more than I could handle.
Be proactive. Take a chance. Trust the process.

Love all that is you,
Jenna xox